From Florence, born in 1987, thanks to his double nationality he began travelling since his childhood between Italy and France and got close to his greatest passions: nature and travels.
After his degree at the University of Pisa in Ecological science he decided to leave for Australia, a life dream. Stocked by the beauty of its landscapes and willing to travel as much as possible, he extended the visa for a second year and explored the country with a minivan.
Next stop: South east Asia, he stayed here for seven months. During this wander, thanks to his brother that joined him with his reflex, he approached photography: he immediately fell in love with it and the way it freezes a glimpse in a frame in which “time” doesn’t matter.
Once back in Florence after two and half years, he met his girlfriend and decided to spend some months home. His stay allowed him to expand his photography knowledge, its techniques and to finally start shooting events and interiors.
In June 2016 he decided to leave again: this time the destinations are U.S. and New Zealand. The constant search of the perfect instant and situation helped him to improve his style: as a result he achieved a publication in the landscape book “IamNewZealand” by Nikon New Zealand.
After two years spent in New Zealand, he came back to Florence, but just for enough time to get married with Eleonora, and then California and Canada to spend the winter season in the Rocky Mountains. Another year abroad, many awesome spots and a lot of cold!
Nicolò finally moved back to Florence in June 2019. He immediately started collaborations with some well-known photography studios as freelance. His camera lens turned from mountains, canyons and roaring rivers to cheerful images in weddings, from birthdays and events to ecommerce and still-life works.
During all of these years spent travelling he realised how important environment and nature are. He’s getting deeply touched from the barbarity that humans are allowing everyday around them; for that reason Nicolò helps and supports different no profit environmentalist associations.
If he doesn’t pick up the phone right away, no worries, he’ll call you back soon. He’s probably on top of a mountain for sunrise or along a lakeshore shooting the milky way’s reflection.